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About this site

Contents: About this site

What’s this website for?
Map & compass work
Navigating this website

What’s this website for?

I hope to arm a newcomer to GPS with sufficient knowledge to confidently go from choosing a phone app, GPS handheld or GPS watch, through to accurately navigating a route in the worst possible conditions, well away from any phone signals or internet access.

Maybe experienced electronic navigators will pick up something useful too.

Smartphones and other GPS units make it easy to stay accurately on course, even when visibility is bad.

I explain how the technology works so the differences between different GPS receivers can be understood.

Ordnance Survey Explorer topographic maps. Scale 1:25,000

This website is aimed at people who are adventuring on foot because that’s what I know best. I’m based in the UK so the content has a UK bias. However, most of the content will apply to many outdoor activities and anywhere in the world. GPS works the same wherever you are.

My experience comes from a lot of time spent in a mountain environment, mostly here in the UK and Europe. Paragliding, climbing, wild-camping and hiking in all seasons. If you can learn to accurately navigate through tricky mountainous terrain in a Scottish whiteout or on a dark and misty night, then anything else should be straightforward by comparison.

Map & compass work

I’ve assumed you can read topographic maps and know how to get around using a map and compass. Sod’s Law ensures electronic devices will fail when you need them most. You need map & compass skills to stay safe, so if you are new to navigating in the outdoors read Map & compass now.

This website is specifically focussed on navigating using GPS technology.

The view west from the most remote ‘Munro’, A’ Mhaighdean. Scotland.