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How does GPS work?
The basics. Learn why GPS works everywhere and how accurate it is. Understand why you should be wary of woods but not bad weather.

GPS errors
How accurate is GPS? Learn which errors are significant, which you can minimise, and those you can’t do anything about.

Multi-GNSS receivers
Many modern GPS receivers can use multiple global satellite navigatiion systems at once. Learn why this is a good thing.

Multi-band receivers
A relatively new feature on consumer GPS units. Learn why this technology makes for more reliable and more accurate positioning.

Satellite-based augmentation systems. Learn what they are and how they work. If your GPS device or smartphone can use these, it will be more accurate.

Jamming and spoofing
These can make your GPS tools useless. Learn when and where it’s most likely to happen.

Maps: Raster vs vector
Vector maps are purpose-built for electronic devices. Learn how they differ from the more familiar converted paper maps (raster) and why it’s good to have both.