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Map options

Map options

OS Maps (UK)
Excellent government-funded maps. Converted paper maps.

Harvey Maps (UK)
Commercial maps, purpose-built for walkers and hikers. Converted paper maps.

JohnThornMaps (UK)
A unique combination of publicly available OS mapping combined with OSM data. Vector maps.

OpenAndroMaps (World)
Some of the best OSM-based topo maps available and free. May be styled to suit the activity. Vector maps.

OsmAnd (World)
Excellent OSM-based mapping. Unique to the OsmAnd phone app. May be styled for the activity. Vector maps.

Garmin maps (World)
Several sources of free, or cheap, OSM-based topo maps available for Garmin handhelds, watches and Basecamp desktop software. Vector maps.

Web maps (World)
A look at some of the OpenStreetMap-based maps you’ll see all the time on different websites.